5mm Women's Wetsuit
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This incredible Titanium SUPER STRETCH Suit features:
- 4-Way 250% SuperStretch Neoprene sculpts around your unique curves
- Titanium Superstretch body
- Titanium Superstretch sleeves and knees
- Titanium Superstretch underarms, crotch and calf area
- Skin seal at neck and wrist
- Quadruple watertight glued through entire suit
- Blindstitched outside and inside entire suit
- Back key pocket
- Back water barrier Y.K.K. #10 metal zipper head
- Water barrier Y.K.K. #8 ankle zipper
- Prebent latex knee pads with foam/rubber combo unit skin and knee protection with extra flexibility and comfort
- Free from Velcro contact
- Compact small cells prevent neoprene from thinning out
- Easy to put on and take off
- Back Zip with Leash (pull cord)
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